UK’s Kalender For Hassle-Free Scheduling
Users nowadays are spoilt for choice in terms of feature-rich time management applications
such as Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar, iCal, etc to assist them to be more efficient in work co-ordination and management. These applications can easily be integrated with other services such as email programs to make event planning more efficient. Even though there are many choices available, many users still prefer a simple scheduling program rather than multi-functional and advanced ones. If you are amongst those who just need a simple calendaring program to assist you to organize events, perhaps you should have a look at UK’s Kalendar.
Simple, straightforward and user-friendly are the key features of UK’s Kalendar, a free Windows based scheduling or calendaring tool. UK’s Kalendar performs basic calendaring tasks, e.g. it allows users to record important events, set reminders, set repetitions, associate events with a document, etc. It also features the “ToDo” list function where users can enter their important to-do tasks with a deadline and a forewarn time. Users can also set the percentage of completion to monitor progress. Like other calendaring program, UK’s Kalender also allows week, fortnight, month and year view. UK Kalender can optionally export selected calendar views to CSV or nicely formatted HTML
(based on customizable templates).
Users who like this simple calendar program can download the tiny application via the link here. Once it is installed, a tiny icon will be added to the taskbar.
UK’s Kalender will be running in the background. Users can double click the icon to show the calendar in various view formats: weekly, fortnightly, monthly and yearly.
Users can double click on the calendar to enter a new event:
Users also can click on to the “Todo” tab to view the list of tasks entered or enter a new task.
Other features available in UK’s Kalendar include network support, auto-saving, custom event categories, customizable snooze settings, hidden events, clipboard support, support for international date formats, integrated backup and more.
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